June 05, 2022

Why is my Dog Not Sleeping?

Do you remember those nights when you can't fall asleep?Frustrating, aren't they?Everyone struggles to fall asleep at night, but did you realize that dogs can also have trouble sleeping?Your dog may be rolling around to get comfortable, lying down wide awake, or pacing when they should be sleeping.There are many reasons your dog might not be sleeping, and it could become a problem over time.We will discuss some reasons your dog might not be sleeping and how you can help.

Disturbances- Sounds and Smells

Dogs can be affected by bumps in the night just like humans.Dogs have better hearing than humans. If your neighbor keeps you awake or there is a cat out, consider how bad it could be for your pet.You might be hearing things they can't.You might want to examine noise if your dog is waking up frequently and seems to be falling asleep normally.Are the TV and washing machine too loud? Or are you talking too much?

You can control the noise source that is obvious to your dog, but it's best to reduce the volume when it's time for doggy naptime.You may need to consider where your dog sleeps if there are any noises that you cannot control or can't hear.Are there quieter areas in the house or rooms with soundproof windows that are more insulated?If the soundproofing is really poor, you might consider adding more.The effects of disturbances don't stop at the ears.Some sensitive dogs may be irritated by strong smells like chemicals or rubbish bins.Think about the sleeping arrangements of your pet and consider if it would be a good idea to let them sleep there.

Uncomfortable Mattress

This is the most common cause of sleeplessness that you can identify and solve.Uncomfortable sleeping areas can make it difficult for your dog to go to sleep.You may notice your dog moving around in their bed to find comfort, or if they don't use it at all.You could find that the bed is not large enough or soft enough to allow your dog to stretch out, or it's placed in an inappropriate place.Some dogs like to be alone, while others may prefer to have you there.You might be able to make improvements by changing the position of your dog's bed.

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Chronic Pain

Chronic pain, which is more common in older dogs, can cause sleepless nights and other serious problems.There are many causes of chronic pain. Some common reasons include stiffness from arthritis, gastrointestinal issues, pregnancy issues and skin diseases.Chronic pain can also affect older dogs, so don’t assume it’s an old age problem.

Chronic pain in dogs can also be seen during the day. This could be a sign of a serious condition.Slow movement, hunched-over appearances, vocalisations, or aggression when touched are all signs of chronic pain.You should visit your veterinarian if your dog is experiencing pain.Your vet can diagnose the problem and provide treatment.They will likely prescribe pain relief medication and treatments for certain diseases. This should help relieve chronic pain and allow your senior dog to sleep well again.

Sleep Apnoea

People with sleep apnoea are often suffering from this condition.This is a condition where your body doesn't allow you to breathe properly while asleep. Then, it remembers that you need to breathe and takes a quick breath. This can sometimes lead to us getting up.A similar issue can happen in dogs.This can happen to any dog, any breed, but it is more common in certain breeds.You may notice snoring, gasping, or waking up due to this.Overweight dogs are more likely to have sleep disturbances because their lungs can't inflate properly and their airways can become blocked.

If your brachycephalic dogsnores, you should be suspicious.Brachycephalic dogs include bulldogs, bulldogs, boxers and French bulldogs with short faces.Their short faces cause their airways to be narrow and compressed.Their airways can become obstructed when they exercise or lay down. This can lead to breathing problems.This could explain why your Frenchie or pug keeps getting up.

Surgery is often an option for obese dogs, brachycephalic and other types of obstructive breathers. Weight loss is also possible.If your dog is experiencing sleep problems due to breathing difficulties, talk to your vet.

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction

Canine cognitive dysfunction is a rare cause of sleeplessness in older dogs.CCD can be compared to Alzheimer's disease or dementia in humans.CCD can lead to altered behavior, including forgetting tricks or training, toileting accidents, confusion and aggression, as well as sleeplessness.These signs can often be subtle at first, so it is difficult to determine if they are caused by 'normal ageing' and true CCD.

Unfortunately, CCD is not curable.There are some things you can do to slow down the process and make your dog's life easier.You can stimulate their brain as much as you can.Similar to Sudoku, Sudoku can be used to slow down brain ageing by puzzle feeding, exercise, and games.Some foods rich in omega-3 might also be beneficial.Your vet may also recommend drugs like selegiline or propentofylline to slow down the progression of CCD.

Behavioural Problems

Sleepless nights can also be caused by behaviour problems in dogs of all ages.These problems could be related to any of the causes of sleeplessness mentioned above or they may be separate.Stress, anxiety, fear, or sudden changes in our lives can all cause us to wake up at night. Dogs can also experience similar problems.You may notice your dog staying awake for too long. This could be due to recent traumas, changes, or problems in their lives.Sleeplessness in puppies can be a result of being removed from their mothers and placed in a new environment.While most dogs will adapt to their new environment, it is possible for some to become chronic.Some dogs are just too full to fall asleep on their own.

Even though it is bedtime, very energetic dogs might not feel tired.Consider giving your dog a short, intense workout before bed if you suspect that your dog might have this problem.If your dog is experiencing sleeplessness due to another issue, this is a good time to start behavioural training.

Drug Side-Effects and Closing Thoughts

If your dog suddenly becomes restless after taking medication, it could be because of the drug.Steroids, such as those used to treat anxiety and depression in dogs, can cause sleeplessness. Check the label on your medication for details. Ask your veterinarian if you have questions.They might recommend changing the dosage or switching to another drug.

Sometimes, sleep is hard to find. It can be frustrating to stay awake at night.This article will hopefully help you to understand why your dog is suffering from insomnia and what you can do to improve their sleeping habits.Sweet dreams!

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